- No recomendado a menores de 6 años. - Peana incluida. - Pink label. - Torre Eiffel (París). Barbie commemorates the 30th Anniversary of Dolls of the World Collection with the Landmark Collection. The whirlwind celebration features Barbie dressed in gowns inspired by the world's most famous architecture! Romantic Paris, called the City of Light, is France's culture and fashion capital. Stylish sites here include the famed Champs-Élysées, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, and the lovely Seine River. Enjoy nature at a beautiful park - the Bois de Boulogne! Rising above the cityscape is one of Paris' most beloved landmarks - the Eiffel Tower. This famed landmark inspires an artistic reinterpretation of fashion and architectural design - Eiffel Tower Barbie doll.
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