Marina & Pau Puppe 45 cm - Neugeborenes Martina Premium Marina & Pau Puppe 45 cm - Neugeborenes Martina Premium
  • Marina & Pau Puppe 45 cm - Neugeborenes Martina Premium
  • Marina & Pau Puppe 45 cm - Neugeborenes Martina Premium

Marina & Pau Puppe 45 cm - Neugeborenes Martina Premium

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The beautiful Newborn Martina Premium is one of the 45 cm Reborn dolls from the Marina & Pau brand. This adorable limited series baby comes with a Certificate of Authenticity containing an identification number that makes it unique and special.

She has vinyl limbs and a padded body that you will love to cuddle.

What are you waiting to meet her?

- Real weight doll.
- Limited and numbered edition.
- Arms and legs completely made of vinyl
- Soft body
- Vinyl with special touch
- Joints: head, shoulders and legs.
- Includes: Pacifier, blanket and Certificate of Authenticity.
- Presentation: In box.

- The pacifier is a decorative accessory, as it doesn't fit well in the doll's mouth.

- This doll weighs approximately: 1.70 kg (3.75 lb)

- Not recommended for children under 3 years. Contains small parts likely to be swallowed or inhaled.

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159,95 €

Lieferung innerhalb von 24/48 Std. an Werktagen

*Sendungen auf die Halbinsel
(andere Plätze hier klicken -auf Englisch-)

Informationen und Empfehlungen
  • Referenz:  MYP3083
  • Höhe in cm:  45 (Zoll-Ansicht)
  • Gemacht in:  Spanien
  • Marke:  Marina & Pau
  • Artikel-Typ:  Puppe
  • Material:  Weicher Stoffkörper
  • Haarfarbe:  Haarlos
  • Augenfarben:  Grau
  • Auge Typ:  Immer geöffnet
  • Ethnizität:  Kaukasisch
  • Geschlecht:  Ohne Geschlecht
  • Puppentyp:  Reborn Baby

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